

Imaging study of shallow complex fault blocks in Xingzhuang area,Biyang sag

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【作者】 张永华马义忠田小敏赵雨睛商建立彭国力

【Author】 Zhang Yonghua Ma Yizhong Tian Xiaomin Zhao Yuqing Shang Jianli Peng Guoli,Research Institute of Exploration and Development,Henan Oilfield Company,SINOPEC,Nanyang 473312,China

【机构】 中国石油化工股份有限公司河南油田分公司勘探开发研究院中国石油化工股份有限公司河南油田分公司地质调查处

【摘要】 泌阳凹陷新庄地区构造破碎,小断块发育,储层埋藏浅(只有50~800 m),地震波纵、横向速度变化剧烈,常规的地震成像方法难以满足勘探开发的需要。针对这些特点,进行了叠前时间偏移和保护浅层反射信息的处理,包括叠前数据的基础处理,速度模型的建立和偏移参数的确定三个重要环节。通过叠前去噪、高精度静校正、远偏移距拉伸处理、分偏移距能量均衡等得到了高品质的叠前数据体;通过偏移、速度分析,再偏移、再速度分析多次迭代,确定了最佳偏移速度;根据目的层倾角分布情况,选择最佳偏移孔径和偏移倾角参数,提高了成像精度。最终时间偏移成果剖面上断层清楚、信息丰富。通过综合解释,对泌阳凹陷新庄地区断裂特征取得了新的认识,发现了一批新圈闭,经钻探见到了良好的油气显示。

【Abstract】 Xinzhuang area in Biyang sag is characterized by complex structures,well developed minor fault blocks,and shallowly buried reservoirs(only 50-800m).Because the velocity of P-wave and S- wave changes greatly,conventional seismic imaging method can not satisfy the needs of exploration and development.Aiming at the characteristics,we have adopted the shallow seismic data process- ing technologies including pre-stack de-noise,high-accuracy stat- ics,far-offset stretching,and offset division energy equalization for data process.Meanwhile,we also studied the pre-stack time mi- gration technologies such as migration velocity field establishment, migration aperture selection,and migration dip identification.In addition,we obtained the pre-stack data volume by protecting the information of shallow layers and improving the S/N of middle and deep layers.In terms of the distribution of target formation dips, proper migration aperture and dip parameters were selected to im- age the pre-stack time migration on the whole data volume.After processing,the imaging accuracy was improved.The final result profiles show clear faults and abundant information.Through com- prehensive interpretation,some new understandings have been ac- quired about the fault characteristics of Xinzhuang area,Biyang sag,some new traps discovered,and good oil/gas encountered in drilling.

  • 【文献出处】 石油物探 ,Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum , 编辑部邮箱 ,2008年04期
  • 【分类号】P631.4
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】62

