

3D Real-Time Automatic Magnetic-Guided Technology for Directional Well to Hit Target Accurately

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【作者】 区家明郭清杜爱民束沛镒

【Author】 Qu Jia-ming 1 , Guo Qing 2 , Du Ai-min 1 , Shu Pei-yi 1 (1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Chinese Academic Sciences; 2. China University of Petroleum—Beijing)

【机构】 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所中国石油大学(北京)

【摘要】 当前我国油田钻井工艺磁导向基础磁参数精度不高,以不准确井口值延伸至钻井轨迹二维、三维全程会产生相当大的误差,因此偏靶、脱靶常有发生。鉴于此,根据17年来多个油田精密磁测事实和地质演化等情况,论述了我国油田钻采区开展高精度、高密度磁测为钻井精确中靶导向服务的必要性,并从地磁场高斯理论出发,结合地面三维磁测,以旧井和油田钻采区地下磁性边界为约束条件,求解地下钻采空间三维磁场数据库,运用计算机三维显示技术,实现钻井实时可视化操作,为钻机地下自动巡航、防碰绕障提供了全新的技术手段。笔者认为,若把磁导向和地质导向集成于MWD,将是定向钻井导向的完整组合。所述理论方法及其成功实施对于我国油田钻井磁导向及其显示方式来说是创新性的进步。

【Abstract】 Currently, the accuracy of basic magnetic parameters is not high in China’s magnetic guided drilling process. The drilling trajectory from the inaccurate wellhead leads to considerable errors in the 2D and 3D process. As a result, course deviation happens frequently. Based on high-precision magnetic surveys and geological development in the oil fields in the past 17 years, the article elaborates the necessity to provide high-precision and high- density magnetic survey for accurate target-hitting drilling service in China’s oil fields. The 3D magnetic databank for the underground drilling region is built on the basis of the geomagnetic Gauss theory and the surface magnetic survey, with the obsolete oil wells and magnetic boundaries of the oil field’s underground drilling region as the constraint conditions. The computer 3D imaging technology is used for real-time visualization of drilling operation to provide a new way for drilling machines to be automatically-guided and obstacle-evading. In the opinion of the author, magnetic and geological guide technology integrated into MWD is a perfect assembly for drilling of directional well. The theory and methods as well as successful application are of creative progress in China’s magnetic guided drilling sector.

【基金】 中国石油天然气集团公司“十一五”科学研究与技术开发项目“钻井新技术新方法研究”子课题“水平井分支井钻完井新技术研究”成果之一(编号:2008A—2301)
  • 【分类号】TE243
  • 【下载频次】89

