

Analyses on Main Factors Affecting the Risk Assessment Quality of Oil and Gas Pipelines

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【作者】 赵忠刚姚安林

【Author】 Zhao Zhonggang, Yao Anlin

【机构】 中国石油天然气管道科学研究院西南石油大学 河北廊坊065000四川成都610500

【摘要】 分析了影响油气管道风险评估质量的人因、物因、工程操作因素和管理因素的作用机理、作用方式和作用后果,并给出了自己的解决思路,这将改善现有管道风险评估方法,完善当前的风险评估技术,从而提高我国管道完整性管理水平。

【Abstract】 Analyses are given to the function mechanism, approaches and consequences of factors such as personnel, materials, project operation and management, which affect the risk assessment quality of oil and gas pipelines, then followed by some suggestions on how to solve the above problems. In this way, the present assessment method of pipeline risk is to be improved while the assessment technology is to be perfected, thus raising the management level of our pipeline integrity.

  • 【文献出处】 石油工业技术监督 ,Technology Supervision in Petroleum Industry , 编辑部邮箱 ,2007年02期
  • 【分类号】TE832
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】405

