

Primary Discussion on Practice and Experience of Management for Fortification against Earthquake

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【作者】 郝志刚

【Author】 HAO Zhi-gang(Bureau of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation of Xiaodian Region of Taiyuan City,Taiyuan,Shanxi 030032,China)

【机构】 太原市小店区防震减灾局

【摘要】 结合太原市小店区抗震设防工作的实际,浅谈对小店区各类建设工程进行抗震性能鉴定和抗震加固等工作中取得的经验与成效,进一步明确区防震减灾局做好抗震设防管理的意义。

【Abstract】 Combined reality of fortification against earthquake of Xiaodian region of Taiyuan city,experience and effect gained in evaluation of earthquake resistant capability and strengthening for earthquake resistance to every type of construction engineering of Xiaodian region are discussed.It is significant for bureau of earthquake prevention and disaster mitigation at region level to do well management for fortification against earthquake.

  • 【文献出处】 山西地震 ,Earthquake Research in Shanxi , 编辑部邮箱 ,2012年04期
  • 【分类号】P315.9
  • 【下载频次】28

