

Designed ecologies and their performance: An introduction

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【作者】 俞孔坚

【Author】 YU Kongjian;Peking University College of Architecture and Landscape;

【机构】 北京大学建筑与景观设计学院

【摘要】 面对全球,特别是中国大范围的生态与环境问题,设计生态学应运而生:通过人工设计生态关系,修复、重建甚至创造基于自然的生态系统,已经成为当下生态文明和美丽中国建设的关键途径。人类有关生态科学的研究成果、古老文明的生态智慧积累和当代人对美好生活的向往是设计生态的三大灵感源泉,使设计的生态具有基于自然的、以综合生态系统服务为导向的、科学和艺术完美结合的特质。本专栏发表了对若干人工设计生态系统的绩效研究,研究结果已经给设计生态学在解决中国当下生态与环境问题的前景带来希望,尤其在城乡大规模生态修复方面显示出广泛的应用前景。设计生态学必将成为生态文明时代的一门崭新而极富挑战的新学科。

【Abstract】 Facing the challenging tasks of large scale ecological rehabilitation, restoration, and even recreation, design ecology comes to the stage. Three kinds of intellectual assets of mankind are the resources that inspire the practice of designed ecologies: knowledge of ecological sciences, ancient wisdom accumulated through cultural adaptation to the changing nature, and arts that advance humanity, which make designed ecologies to be nature-based, ecosystem service-oriented, and arts and sciences integrated. The performance studies published here on the some of the typical designed ecologies done by Turenscape in the past two decades demonstrated a promising and bright future of the practice of designed ecologies in solving the severed urban and rural ecological issues. Design ecology has be proven, and continue to be proven as an promising yet challenging new discipline that is flourishing with the development of eco-civilization.

  • 【文献出处】 生态学报 ,Acta Ecologica Sinica , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年16期
  • 【分类号】X826
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】324

