

Study on quantitative risk assessment method for earth-rock dam failure

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【作者】 刘远王振宇刘国华梁国钱

【Author】 Liu Yuan1,Wang Zhen-yu1, Liu Guo-hua1, Liang Guo-qian2(1. Department of Hydrology and Oceanography,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310027;2. Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulics & Estuary,Hangzhou Zhejiang 310020)

【机构】 浙江大学水利与海洋工程学系浙江省水利河口研究院 浙江杭州310027浙江杭州310027浙江杭州310020

【摘要】 风险评估为衡量大坝安全提供了很好的途径,近十几年来,风险评估技术在发达国家的大坝安全管理中得到了快速的发展和应用,已经成为现代大坝安全管理的一个重要环节。为此根据风险评估的理论和方法,对土石坝失事风险的量化计算方法进行了探索研究,闸述了包括失事模式识别、失事概率分析和失事后果估算的有关概念及公式,介绍了运用大坝容许风险进行风险评价的方法,并提出了一些降低土石坝失事风险的建议。

【Abstract】 Risk exists in all dams. It must be properly considered in order to keep the dam safe enough. Risk assessment provides a good way for judging dam safety. In the last ten years, the technology of risk assessment has been rapidly developed in the field of dam safety management in developed countries. It has became one of the most important parts of modern dam safety management. In this paper, based on the theory and method of risk assessment, a study is made on quantitative calculation method for earth-rock dam failure risk. That includes failure pattern recognition, failure probability analysis and failure consequences assessment. Besides, a method of tolerable risk for dam failure risk is suggested and some measures to decrease earth-rock dam failure risk are put forward.

【基金】 浙江省自然科学基金项目(502020)
  • 【分类号】TV641
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】403

