

Integrating various information to improve the precision of the structure model at the stage of oil field development plan design.

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【作者】 尹天放吴蕾

【Author】 Yin, Tianfang; et al. (Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, CNPC, Beijing 100083, P. R. China).

【机构】 中国石油天然气集团公司石油勘探开发科学研究院

【摘要】 以焉耆盆地宝浪油田宝中区块开发方案设计中建立构造模型的工作为实例,说明在油田开发设计阶段,如何综合利用多种信息,提高构造模型精度。宝中区块整个覆盖三维地震,但地震资料分辨率较低,在完成下侏罗统三工河组3个油组顶面构造图的工作中,首先使用倾角测井资料绘制构造等高线图及构造剖面图,控制工区整体构造形态;结合岩心描述和井间层位对比,了解地层横向变化基本规律及岩性纵向变化以及相应井旁地震道的地震响应;依据勘探阶段完成的构造图,参考据井孔崩落扩径方向确定的现今最大水平主应力方向,恢复古构造并模拟古构造应力场,计算目的层位平面破裂值强度,指示断层和裂缝发育情况;使用均方根振幅剖面解释小断层;完成构造图后,利用平面流体模型、流体分布的重力分异合理性,复查地震解释的断层。根据用该方法完成的最终构造图,部署了3口井,其中宝203井和宝205井实际钻遇的各油组顶面深度与构造图解释深度的误差最大为1.4m,最小为0.4m。图4表3参1(王孝陵摘)

【Abstract】 Building structure model in Baolang oil field, Yanqi basin during the period of oilfield development plan design is regarded as a case study. It shows how to integrate various information to improve the precision of the structure model at this stage. 3D seismic data cover Baozhong block, however their resolution is very poor. When building top surface structure maps of three oilbearing layers in Sangonghe Formation of Jurassic, the dip meter data are firstly employed to draw contouring maps and crosssection maps of structure in order to control global structure configuration. Lithology description and the marker correlation between wells are combined to have a better understanding of formation lateral variation, vertical variation of lithology and seismic response of 1.4m and 0.4m, respectively. Tectonic stress the near hole seismogram. According to the structure map that finished at the exploration stage and the direction of recent horizontal maximum stress calculated from direction of borehole enlargement, palaeostructure is recovered and palaeostructural stress field is simulated. The fracturing value is calculated and faults and fractures are indicated. The seismic section of rootmeansquare amplitude is used to interpret small faults. When finishing initial structure map, the gravity segregation of fluid on the plane is used to check any missedinterpretation faults. Based on the final structure map by means of this method, Well Bao203 and Well Bao205 are arranged. The maximum error and minimum error between actual drilling depth and the depth designed by structure maps is

  • 【文献出处】 石油勘探与开发 ,PETROLEUM EXPLORATION AND DEVELOPMENT , 编辑部邮箱 ,1999年02期
  • 【分类号】TE344
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】117

