

Corrosion and Protection in Coast of Crude Oil Steel-tank

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【作者】 孙月文

【Author】 SUN Yue-wen (Offshore Oil Production Plant,Shengli Oilfield Company,Dongying 257237,China)

【机构】 胜利油田分公司海洋采油厂

【摘要】 钢质原油储罐是海上原油处理的重要设施,由于受内、外腐蚀介质的影响,储罐经常会受到不同程度地腐蚀。针对滩海环境下钢质原油储罐腐蚀,分析了清罐检测数据及储罐腐蚀失效原因,提出了滩海地区立式钢质原油储罐的腐蚀防护与管理措施。

【Abstract】 Steel tanks along sea coast are he important crude oil storage tanks.Affected by corrosive mediums inside and outside of the tanks,the tanks would be corroded in certain degree.Using the material from corroded tanks in sea coast,an analysis was made for parameters and the cause of failure.Thus an anti corrosive protection and management are proposed for vertical steel oil tanks along sea coast.

【关键词】 滩海油田钢质储罐腐蚀防护
【Key words】 coast oilfieldsteel tankcorrosionprotection
  • 【文献出处】 石油矿场机械 ,Oil Field Equipment , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年04期
  • 【分类号】TE972.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】158

