

Assessment on geophysical exploration effect in Xingcheng areas of Liaoning

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【作者】 张黎刘万崧张晨曦赵倩

【Author】 ZHANG Li;LIU Wan-song;ZHANG Chen-xi;ZHAO Qian;College of Geo-exploration Science and Technology,Jilin University;

【机构】 吉林大学地球探测科学与技术学院

【摘要】 以辽宁兴城实验区为重点,详细分析了重力、磁力、大地电磁测深和地震勘探等不同的物探方法对研究区内地质目标的识别作用。根据重力剖面测量、磁力剖面测量、大地电磁测深以及地震勘探等方法对实验区进行野外勘探工作和详细的数据分析。结果表明,重力异常对于构造单元划分、断裂识别、基底起伏的识别等均能发挥重要的作用;磁异常对于断裂识别、不同磁性岩石单元的识别、岩浆活动的分析等方面均能发挥重要的作用;大地电磁测深,在划分构造单元、确定断裂分布、垂向地层分层方面均能提供重要信息;地震勘探横向上可划分出盆地等构造界限,纵向上可分层。

【Abstract】 This article focuses on the analysis of geologic targets by applying multiple geophysical approaches including gravity,magnetic,mag-netotelluric( MT) detection and seismic exploration methods in Xingcheng areas of Liaoning. The geophysical data were collected during fieldwork of the studied areas,using the methods mentioned above and detailed analysis of the data were conducted. The results show that gravity anomaly analysis plays an important role in geotectonic units division,identification of rift structure and basement relief; magnetic anomalies can be used to identify the rift structure and rock units with distinctive magnetic properties and analyse the igneous activities. Magnetotelluric anomalies can significantly reflect the division of geotectonic units,distribution of faults and stratified layers. Seismic exploration can be used to identify the geological boundaries and layers.

【基金】 国家深部探测专项“深部探测关键仪器装备野外实验与示范”(201311197)
  • 【分类号】P631
  • 【下载频次】114

