

Function of Bimo Culture of Liangshan Yi Nationality from the Perspective of Social Governance

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【作者】 丁木乃潘正云

【Author】 Ding Munai;Pan Zhengyun;

【机构】 西南民族大学西南民族研究院西南民族大学彝学学院

【摘要】 从社会治理的视阈来看待毕摩文化,在彝学研究中是一个创新。在社会治理中,毕摩文化作为一种意识形态驱动和引导着人们的思想和行为,对社会治理具有积极的能动功能。毕摩文化不仅对人们行为规范、道德约束、心理调适有着自身独特的功能,而且对维系社会秩序、化解社会矛盾、维护社会和谐有着重要功能。毕摩文化为社会治理提供智力支持、精神动力和文化资源,对彝族社会和谐稳定产生积极影响,进而推动社会治理实现"善治"。

【Abstract】 To see Bimo culture from the perspective of social governance is an innovation in Yi studies. In social governance, Bimo culture, as an ideology driving and guiding people’s thinking and behavior, has a positive promoting function in social governance.Bimo culture not only has its own unique function for people’s behavior norms, moral restraint and psychological adjustment, but also has an important function for maintaining social order, resolving social contradictions and maintaining social harmony. Bimo culture provides intellectual support, spiritual motivation and cultural resources for social governance, and has a positive impact on the social harmony and stability of Yi people, thus promoting social governance to achieve"good governance".

【关键词】 彝族毕摩文化社会治理功能
【Key words】 Yi nationalityBimo culturesocial governancefunction
【基金】 国家民委人文社科重点研究基地——中国彝学研究中心资助项目“彝族宗教与彝区道德建设的相适应性研究——基于凉山州美姑县的调查”(YXJDY1708);国家社会科学基金重大项目“民族宗教与国家治理问题研究”(15ZDB123)
  • 【分类号】G127;D630
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】238

