

A Comparative Study of "Chemical Equilibrium" in Chinese and American Textbooks

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【作者】 吴晗清金钰莹穆铭赵芳祺

【Author】 WU Hanqing;JIN Yuying;MU Ming;ZHAO Fangqi;College of Teacher Education,Capital Normal University;

【通讯作者】 吴晗清;

【机构】 首都师范大学教师教育学院

【摘要】 "化学平衡"是化学反应原理的重要组成部分,也是学生学习的难点所在.本文通过研究中国和美国高中化学教材中的"化学平衡"设计,比较二者在章节设置、教学引入、学科知识、实验设置、栏目等5个方面的区别,并提出教材编写和教学实践中宜先讲"平衡"再学"速率",以此设计出适合我国教学实际情况的教学设计以供教师借鉴和学习.

【Abstract】 Chemical equilibrium is an important part of the principle of chemical reaction,but also the difficulties of students to learn. In this paper,through the comparison of the design of chemical balance in Chinese and American textbooks,it is found that the two places have different characteristics in teaching materials,teaching introduction,subject knowledge,experiment setting and column. Based on this,this paper proposed teaching materials and teaching practice should first talk about " balance" to learn " rate" to promote students to learn the smooth progress,to this end,a teaching design is designed,which can be used for reference by teachers and is suitable for the actual teaching situation in China.

  • 【文献出处】 首都师范大学学报(自然科学版) ,Journal of Capital Normal University(Natural Science Edition) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年04期
  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】770

