

Quickly judging of the earthquake potential in Leshan City immediately after the Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake on 12 May 2008

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【作者】 彭云金吕贵选高福海

【Author】 PENG Yun-jin,LU Gui-xian,GAO Fu-hai(Leshan Municipal Administration of Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters,Sichuan Leshan 614000,China)

【机构】 乐山市防震减灾局

【摘要】 科学的震后地震趋势判定是地震应急的重要基础。5月12日汶川发生Ms8.0级地震波及乐山并造成破坏,市政府立即启动《乐山市地震应急预案》。我们根据日常科研成果和汶川Ms8.0级地震特征,地震发生后2小时内即提出震后快速趋势判定意见供市委、市政府决策时参考。后又密切跟踪震情发展变化,及时提出地震趋势判定意见,为市委、市政府"一手抓抗震救灾、一手抓经济发展"决策提供科学依据。基层防震减灾部门只有平时注意有关方面的研究,才能在震后快速地震趋势判定中有所作为。

【Abstract】 Determining the earthquake potential scientifically after the Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake is an important basic task in order to calm the common people terrified by this great earthquake in Leshan City.The Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake on 12 May 2008 caused the damage to Leshan City.In this emergency situation,Leshan City Government immediately launched the Leshan City Earthquake Emergency Plan.All social operation was in good order.According to our daily research and the characteristics of the earthquake in Leshan areas,we put forward the suggestion within 2 hours after the Ms8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake for the decision-making reference of Leshan Municipal Party Committee and Government.

  • 【文献出处】 四川地震 ,Earthquake Research in Sichuan , 编辑部邮箱 ,2008年04期
  • 【分类号】P315.75
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】22

