

Preliminary Analysis of Geologic Issues in Shijiao Section of North River Grand Levee

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【作者】 李宁新

【Author】 LI Ning-xin(Inuestigation and Design Institute of PRWRC, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510611, China)

【机构】 水利部珠江水利委员会勘测设计研究院!广东广州510611

【摘要】 通过对北江大堤石角段区域地质及堤基水文地质问题的初步分析,认为堤基防渗目标为砂砾层。鉴于堤后渗透破坏大多表现为堤后超高承压水头的破坏,因此主动拦截强渗透层,减少河水对堤基的快速、大量补给,同时大大削弱堤前后的水力联系,仍应作为本堤段的主要防渗措施。建议通过完善高喷设计,解决深理卵砾石防渗问题。

【Abstract】 Based on preliminary analysis of geologic and hydrogeologic conditions it is conluded the sand and gravel bed is the object ofseepage treatment for levee foundation. Since the damage behind the levee is mainly caused by ultra-high artesian pressure behind thelevee, the major seepage control measure is to intercept the strongly pervious bed so as to reduce the replenishment of water to levee foundation and weaken the hydraulic link before and behind the levee.The autbor suggests the design of high-pressure giout jetting beirnproved for the seepage treatment of deep-buried Sand and gravel.

  • 【分类号】TV223
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】47

