From Crisis to Opportunity: Urban Regeneration of Tokyo after the Great Kanto Earthquake
【摘要】 1923年发生的关东大地震,给东京市带来了惨重的损失,城市建设中积累的交通、住宅、公共卫生等诸多问题,亦因地震灾害的发生而暴露无遗。震灾发生后,日本朝野围绕着灾后东京是"复旧"还是"复兴"的城市重建方针问题展开了激烈争论,结果在整体改造、全面提升城建标准的方针下,以强力推行土地区划整理为前提,对城市街区、道路、上下水道、公园等基础设施重新规划并付诸实施。由此,东京地区的道路及公共卫生等基础设施改善,建筑物的抗灾标准提高,消防、救护等抗灾救灾体系趋于完备。地震灾害引发的危机,成为东京市政建设迈上新台阶的契机。
【Abstract】 The Great Kanto Earthquake happened to the city of Tokyo in 1923 has brought heavy losses. The accumulated problems in urban construction such as traffic, housing, public health were exposed after the earthquake. The Japanese government and citizens had a hot debate on urban renewal policy-restoration or regeneration? As a consequence, the urban regeneration policy was adopted. Under the guideline of overall reconstruction and improvement of urban construction and vigorous implementation of land readjustment as a precondition, urban infrastructures were reconstructed, such as the neighborhoods, the roads, the waterways, the sewers and the parks. As a result, urban infrastructures in Tokyo were improved, which enhanced the ability of anti-earthquake and improved the disaster-relief systems including fi re-control and rescue and. In the end, the crisis caused by the Great Kanto Earthquake was turned to an opportunity for Tokyo to enhance the municipal construction to a higher level.
- 【文献出处】 日本问题研究 ,Japanese Research , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年01期
- 【分类号】K313
- 【下载频次】197