

The Development of Japanese New Thoughts and New Technologies for Earthquake Prevention and Protection and Disaster Mitigation and Their Inspirations for Us

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【作者】 刘青

【Author】 Liu Qing (Chang’an university architectural engineering institute,Xi’an,710064)

【机构】 长安大学建工学院 西安 710064

【摘要】 日本是世界上发生地震最多的国家之一,也是防震抗震减灾技术发展的先行者。我国一些省区也是地震频发的地区,故日本在防震抗震减灾方面的经验对我国有一定程度的参考价值。本文对日本这方面的新进展进行了述评,并建议我国在防震抗震减灾首先要有思路上的创新,防患于未然是最为有效的防震抗震减灾途径,要在防震抗震减灾中积极使用新兴技术。

【Abstract】 Japan is one of the countries where earthquake happens most frequently,and also the pioneer of earthquake prevention and protection and disaster mitigation.In China,we also have some provinces and districts where earthquake happens a lot.So,the experiences of earthquake prevention and protection and disaster mitigation in Japan are helpful for us.This paper reviewed and commented on the related technologies in Japan.Then,the article suggested that we should be innovative on earthquake prevention and protection and disaster mitigation theory,and comprehensive protection and the use of new technology is the best way to carry the theory out.

  • 【文献出处】 中国青年科技 ,Science and China Youth Technology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2007年10期
  • 【分类号】P315.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】311

