

Power Types and Mechanisms of Authorization: an Analysis for the Top Leaders of Party and Government in County

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【作者】 黄其松胡赣栋

【Author】 Huang Qisong;Hu Gandong;

【通讯作者】 胡赣栋;

【机构】 贵州大学公共管理学院云南大学政治学博士后流动站

【摘要】 权力是国家的基础,权力配置是现代国家建设的重要内容。当前中国权力结构体系中,县级政权是重要组成部分,县域党政一把手的权力及其运行在国家治理中发挥极为重要的作用。县域党政一把手有效履职的同时也存在不尽如人意的地方,层出不穷的腐败现象就是其中最为值得注意、亟须解决的问题。理论界普遍认为县域党政一把手权力过大、过泛,同时由于权力运行不规范、监督不到位等原因导致了腐败的发生,而忽视从源头上分析一把手的权力内容与授予机制问题。从源头分析其权力配置问题发现,县域党政一把手权力有法理性和事务性两种授权机制,以法律、法规和文件三种形式授予权力,这表明县域党政一把手权力授权机制和方式多样。同时,授予一把手的权力是该区域全局性和全面性的权力,使得党政一把手权力边界模糊。

【Abstract】 Political power is the base of state. Power distribution is the important issue of modern state-making. In Chinese political system,the county regime is an important element. Power of the top leaders of party and government and its working play basic and positive role in state-governance. But,there are negative affects which the top leaders of party and government have,such as power corruption. The paper explores the reason of power corruption in another perspective. According to the analysis,there are two mechanisms of authorization which is legislative and administrative,and three ways of authorization that is through laws,regulations,and government documents. Through the mechanism and ways,the top leaders of party and government have the total power,and the power has fuzzy boundary. It is the institutional reason of power corruption.

【基金】 贵州省软科学项目“贵州县级政府治理能力评估指标体系构建及应用研究”(黔R字[2015]20201-1);贵州大学文科重点学科重大科研项目“县级政府治理能力及其评价研究”(GDZT201709)的研究成果
  • 【文献出处】 政治学研究 ,CASS Journal of Political Science , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年04期
  • 【分类号】D630.9
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1225

