

Three Issues About Agricultural Commodities Trade Research in Simin Yueling

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【作者】 张楠

【Author】 Zhang Nan;

【机构】 南开大学历史学院

【摘要】 《四民月令》中"收薪炭""收弊絮""收布帛"和"收缣縳"的"收"不是传统理解中的购买,而是农庄收取自身的生产成果和旧物。将《四民月令》和传统《月令》类文献中的商品交易对比可知,崔寔的农业商品交易立足于民间和现实需求,二者在立场、目的和指导思想上大相径庭。崔寔在《四民月令》农业商品交易中体现的逐利思想与其在《政论》中的爱农思想存在一定的矛盾,反映出在东汉后期混乱的局势下,崔寔本人和其所代表的世家大族在国与家问题上的矛盾心态。

【Abstract】 The "collect" of "collecting firewood and charcoal", "collecting scrap silk wadding", "collecting hempen and silk cloth" and "collecting thick and thin silk" in Simin Yueling(the Monthly Instructions for the Four Classes of People), an agricultural monograph on the farming activities during a year in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, is not a purchase in the traditional understanding, but refered to the fact that the manor collected its own production results and old things. Comparing the commodity transactions in Monthly Instructions for the Four Classes of People with the traditional "Monthly Order" literature, it was found that Cui Shi’s agricultural commodity trading was based on folk and realistic needs, and they were quite different in the position, purpose and guiding ideology. Cui Shi’s profit-seeking thought embodied in the agricultural commodity transaction of the Monthly Instructions for the Four Classes of People had certain contradictions with his agricultureloving thought in The Political Theory, which reflected the contradictory mentality of Cui Shi and other aristocratic families on country’s and family’s issues under the chaotic situation of the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

  • 【文献出处】 农业考古 ,Agricultural Archaeology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年04期
  • 【分类号】F329
  • 【网络出版时间】2019-08-12 13:05
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】167

