

The removal effect of three classes of antibiotics in two typical swine wastewater treatment systems

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【作者】 周婧支苏丽宫祥静杨凤霞谷艳茹丁飞飞张克强

【Author】 ZHOU Jing;ZHI Su-li;GONG Xiang-jing;YANG Feng-xia;GU Yan-ru;DING Fei-fei;ZHANG Ke-qiang;College of Resources and Environment, Northeast Agricultural University;Agro-Environmental Protection Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs;Jinghai Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center;

【通讯作者】 张克强;

【机构】 东北农业大学资源与环境学院农业农村部环境保护科研监测所天津市静海区动物疫病预防控制中心

【摘要】 为了解规模化养猪场中废水处理工艺对抗生素的去除效果,选取了天津两家典型规模化猪场,采集各个处理单元出水,分析三类典型兽用抗生素(磺胺类SAs、喹诺酮类FQs和四环素类TCs)在不同处理工艺水相中的分布迁移(生猪养殖场F1工艺:原水-暂存池-固液分离后-CSTR/UASB-初沉池-A池-O池-二沉池;生猪养殖场F2工艺:原水-三级沉淀池-固液分离后-折流厌氧池-好氧曝气池-植物塘),并比较了养殖场进、出水中抗生素总承载量情况。研究结果表明:各抗生素残留浓度在不同处理单元中残留规律差异较大,F1养殖场废水共检测出10种抗生素,原水中磺胺二甲嘧啶(SMN)残留浓度最高为45.78μg·L-1,不同种类抗生素总去除率范围为-53.32%~99.33%,对于F1处理工艺,UASB单元对SAs、TCs去除效果最好,O池对FQs的去除效果较好,抗生素在进出水中总承载量分别为9 854.43 mg·d-1和1 214.49 mg·d-1;F2养殖场废水中共检测出5种抗生素,原水中恩诺沙星(ENR)残留浓度最高为8.86μg·L-1,不同种类抗生素总去除率范围为-6.95%~78.80%,其中三级沉淀池对SAs、FQs处理效果较好,植物塘对TCs去除效果较好,抗生素在进出水中总承载量分别为2 014.90 mg·d-1和1 527.96 mg·d-1。总之,F1工艺对抗生素去除效果较为明显,且厌氧、好氧处理单元对F1和F2养猪场废水中抗生素去除相对有效,因此建议猪场废水工艺中采用厌氧和好氧工艺交替处理对水相中抗生素进行去除。

【Abstract】 To understand the antibiotic removal effect in the wastewater treatment process of large-scale swine farms, three kinds of typical veterinary antibiotics[sulfonamides(SAs), quinolones(FQs), and tetracyclines(TCs)] in the effluent of each processing unit from two typi?cal large-scale swine farms in Tianjin, China were analyzed. The distribution and total mass loading of these antibiotics were also investi?gated in the two selected farms. The results showed that the residual concentrations of the antibiotics were different in the various treatmentunits. Ten kinds of antibiotics were detected in the F1 swine farm. The highest concentration of sulfadimidine(SMN)was 45.78 μg·L-1 andthe total aqueous removal rates of antibiotics varied from-53.32% to 99.33%. The aqueous removal rates of SAs and TCs were highest inthe Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Bed(UASB), and the aqueous removal rates of FQs were highest in the O pool. The aqueous mass loading ofinfluent and effluent in F1 was 9 854.43 mg·d-1 and 1 214.49 mg·d-1, respectively. Five kinds of antibiotics were detected in the F2 swinefarm. The highest concentration of enrofloxacin(ENR)was 8.86 μg·L-1 and the total aqueous removal rates of antibiotics varied from-6.95% to 78.80%. The aqueous removal rates of SAs and FQs were highest in the tertiary sedimentation pool, and the aqueous removalrates of TCs were highest in the plant pond. The aqueous mass loading of influent and effluent in F2 was 2 014.90 mg·d-1 and 1 527.96 mg·d-1, respectively. The F1 process could clearly remove antibiotics, and antibiotics in F1 and F2 were effectively removed in the anaerobicand oxic phases. Therefore, the alternate treatment of anaerobic and aerobic processes is recommended as the most effective way to remove antibiotics in the aqueous phase.

【基金】 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(2018-jbkyywf-zsl);国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41807474,41807399);国家重点研发计划课题(2016YFD0501407)~~
  • 【文献出处】 农业环境科学学报 ,Journal of Agro-Environment Science , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年02期
  • 【分类号】X713
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】510

