Application of in-situ stress measurement on bursts disasters of rock and CO2 in coal mine
【摘要】 为减轻和防治岩石与CO2突出灾害,对吉林营城煤矿进行了地应力测量、岩石力学参数测试、CO2气体压力量测以及地质构造分析,并进行了应力场的数值计算,得到了该区地应力的详细分布情况.在此基础上,预测了岩石与CO2突出的危险区,提出了用超前钻孔爆破卸压法降低工作面前方的气体压力和地应力的防治措施.
【Abstract】 For the purpose of reduction and prevention of bursts disaster of rock and CO2,in-situ stress measurement and mechanical parameters of rock were conducted in Yingcheng mine,and geological structure,gas measure were studied,and stress field was simulated,and distribution of stress field was obtained in this area.On the basis of the study,burst danger area of rock and CO2 were predicted,and put forward preventive measures which decrease gas pressure and in-situ stress in front of the working face with advance borhole relieving blasting.
【关键词】 地应力测量;
【Key words】 in-situ stress measurement; property of rock mechanics; criterion of burst; outburst danger prediction;
【Key words】 in-situ stress measurement; property of rock mechanics; criterion of burst; outburst danger prediction;
【基金】 中国地质科学院基本科研业务费专项经费资助项目(Ywf060717);中国科学院地质力学研究所基本科研业务费专项经费资助项目(DZLXJK200705)
- 【文献出处】 煤炭学报 ,Journal of China Coal Society , 编辑部邮箱 ,2009年01期
- 【分类号】TD713
- 【被引频次】14
- 【下载频次】278