Seismic Wave Field Analysis for Structure of Collapse Column
【摘要】 采用合理的物探方法探测出陷落柱的赋存状态在减小陷落柱对煤矿安全的影响方面很重要,目前勘探陷落柱较有效的地球物理方法为地震勘探法。依据地震正演模拟基本原理,结合阳煤集团开元煤矿三维地震勘探的实例,从理论和实践上对不同内部结构的陷落柱在地震波场中的地震响应特征进行了对比分析,为陷落柱的解释提供了理论和现实依据。
【Abstract】 It is important to choose a reasonable geophysical method to detect the occurrence of column collapse especially in the aspect of reducing the effects of collapse column in coal mine safety. Currently,a more effective method of probing column collapse is seismic exploration method. Based on the basic principle of seismic forward modeling,combined with the example of three- dimensional seismic exploration of Yangquan Group Kaiyuan Coal Mine,we compare and analyze the seismic response characteristics in the seismic wave field from the theoretical and practical aspects of different internal structures of the collapse columns. So it can provide some theoretical and practical basis to explain collapse column.
【Key words】 collapse column; seismic exploration; excitation; forward modeling; seismic wave field;
- 【文献出处】 煤矿安全 ,Safety in Coal Mines , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年03期
- 【分类号】P631.4
- 【下载频次】48