

Floral Morphology and Flowering Process of Acer yangjuechi,the Extremely Endangered Plant

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【作者】 陈香波吕秀立刘杨赵明水崔心红张冬梅

【Author】 CHEN Xiang-Bo;Lü Xiu-Li;LIU Yang;ZHAO Ming-Shui;CUI Xin-Hong;ZHANG Dong-Mei;Shanghai Academy of Landscape Architecture Science and Planning;Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Landscaping on Challenging Urban Sites;College of Landscape Architecture and Art,Jiangxi Agricultural University;Management Office of Tianmushan National Nature Reserve;

【通讯作者】 张冬梅;

【机构】 上海市园林科学规划研究院上海城市困难立地绿化工程技术研究中心江西农业大学园林与艺术学院浙江天目山国家级自然保护区管理局

【摘要】 以天目山自然保护区人工栽培的濒危树种羊角槭(Acer yangjuechi Fang et P. L. Chiu)为研究对象,于花期观察了花部形态特征、单株与群体水平开花动态,分析开花与结实的关系,结果表明:1.羊角槭花杂性、顶生花序着生有雄花和两性花,两性花多位于花轴顶端,雄花位于侧生轴顶端或下部,花序雄花与两性花数量比为三角槭的2. 6倍,羊角槭枝条两性花偏少; 2.观察到两种形态雄花,Ⅰ型雄花子房微型、柱头极度短缩呈黑点状、花盘较平,Ⅱ型雄花子房退化成一团白色绒毛,2裂柱头隐现,花盘较厚、辐射状凹裂;两性花子房成扁球状突出,柱头显著伸出,花丝长度短于雄花; 3.单株两性花早于雄花开放,两性花集中于3日以内开放,呈集中开放模式,而对应此时同株上只有极个别雄花(7%以下)处于散粉阶段; 4.群体两性花开放时期略早于雄花,二者间存在相对的间隔期。由此对羊角槭开花与种胚发育影响因素进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 To reveal the reproduction mechanism of low embryo development rate,the floral morphology and flowering process of Acer yangjuechi Fang et P. L. Chiu, the extremely endangered plants in Chinawas determined by testing trees cultivated in National Nature Reserve of Tianmu Mountain,Zhejiang Province. The results show that: (1) Bisexual flowers and maleflowers are inserted on a same apical inflorescence,and the bisexual flowers are always on the top of rachis while maleflowers on lateral rachis top or bottom. The quantity ratio of maleflowers to bisexual flowers is 6. 89 of 2. 6 times exceeding to A. buergerianum,which indicates less bisexual flowers of A. yangjuechi than A. buergerianum. (2) Two type of maleflowers were observed. Type Ⅰmaleflowers have tiny ovary,the stigma shortened extremely to a black spot and with flat flower disc while TypeⅡmaleflowers have biforked stigma outstanding upon ovary degenerated into white fluff and with thick and radial sunken flower disc. Bisexual flowers possess of outstanding oblate spheroid and shorter filament compared with maleflowers. (3) The flowering process of individual tree is of bisexual flowers flowering within 3 days previous to maleflowers while only under seven percent of maleflowers were on pollination stage at the same time. (4) For population flowering process,the flowering stage between bisexual flowers and maleflowers present an obvious interval and bisexual flowers flowering intensively previous to maleflowers. Therefore,the main cause of the high embryo abortion,which leads to endangered situation of A. yangjuechi,was discussed.

【基金】 上海市绿化和市容管理局项目(G102406);上海市科委重点研发项目(17DZ1201801)~~
  • 【文献出处】 植物研究 ,Bulletin of Botanical Research , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年03期
  • 【分类号】S792.35
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】168

