

New Framework of Supply Chain Finance: Blockchain& Big Data

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【作者】 蔡恒进郭震

【Author】 CAI Heng-jin;GUO Zhen;School of Computer Science,Wuhan University;

【机构】 武汉大学计算机学院

【摘要】 供应链产业是重构全球产业格局的贯通性产业,其发展、变革不仅影响着传统三大产业的生产效率,还深刻改变着人们的工作和生活方式。供应链金融紧密融合了产业和金融,极大促进了供应链上各参与方特别是中小企业群体的持续发展,但现阶段存在中小企业融资难融资贵、信用体系不够完善等发展中的瓶颈问题,不过好的方面是最新的金融科技的发展可以提供部分解决方案。其中,区块链技术可以改善交易双方或多方互信的核心问题,大数据技术可以辅助提升全过程风险管理的精准和效率,二者可以相互优化、同步进化。因此,区块链+大数据供应链金融服务框架具有数据可靠、降低风险、运行高效的优点,可以从现实需求、技术提升、路径实现等三个层面构建供应链金融服务新型框架。

【Abstract】 In recent years, there are some bottlenecks in the development of SCF(Supply Chain Financial) services in China, such as the difficulty of financing for SME(Small and Medium Enterprises) and the inadequate credit system and so on. But the good thing is that the latest development of FinTech(Financial Technology) can provide some solutions. Blockchain can improve the core issues of mutual trust between two or more parties. Big data can help to improve the accuracy and efficiency of risk management in the whole process. They can optimize and evolve synchronously. Therefore, the newSCF Services Framework that based on blockchain& big data has the characteristics of Reliable Data, Risk Reduction and Efficient Operation. Based on this, this paper discusses the feasibility of reconstructing the framework of SCF by combining the frontier FinTech such as blockchain and big data, and its implementation method. It also constructs a new framework from three levels: realistic demand, technology upgrading and path realization.

【基金】 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“基于大数据的西方主要社会思潮发展动态及其有效引导研究”(18YJC710016)阶段性成果
  • 【文献出处】 理论探讨 ,Theoretical Investigation , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年02期
  • 【分类号】F274;F832
  • 【被引频次】69
  • 【下载频次】3529

