

Teaching System for Graduate Programs of Spatial Planning of Geography

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【作者】 马仁锋金邑霞张悦姜露露

【Author】 MA Ren-feng;JIN Yi-xia;ZHANG Yue;JIANG Lu-lu;Institute of Human Geography and Urban-rural Planning, Ningbo University;

【机构】 宁波大学人文地理与城乡规划研究所

【摘要】 研究生课程"空间规划理论"经常被描绘成城市或区域的一个重要哲学议题,教学时,学生认为太抽象看不到实践性。倡导以学生友好为中心,将空间规划理论与实践课程教学过程,发展成理论导读与批判解读、程序与技术方法的运用与适宜性思辨、规划研究-编制-实施及相关学术或实务实践三段式教学体系。教学实践表明:(1)地理学空间规划课程教学体系注重规划理论、程序、方法的学术讨论及其中国案例运用批判性,帮助学生作为各类规划者角色建构了适宜性的学教互动方法。(2)课程教学贯通了有关规划理论、规划程序与方法、规划管理的重点与难点,训练了研究生在规划研究-编制-实施-评估等环节的角色转换素养,打通了规划理论学习与实践应用的渠道,更有利于培养创造性规划人才。

【Abstract】 Geographical planning theory is defined as a philosophical subject for a city or a region, which turns out to be abstract for students majoring in urban-rural planning without practicality. This paper examined the student-friendly three-stage teaching system that involves theoretical guidance and critical interpretation, procedural and technical application and suitability, planning research, preparation and implementation, and related academic studies or practical operation.Evidence indicated that the teaching system focused on discussions of planning theories, procedures, and methods in the critical Chinese cases helps students construct adaptive learning and teaching methods as various planner roles, and that the curriculum teaching brings theories, procedures and methods of planning in links with key points and difficulties in planning management to train graduate students’ role in research, development, implementation, and evaluation, and open the channels for theoretical study and practical application. This will contribute to the cultivation of creative planning talents.

【基金】 宁波大学教研重点项目“人文地理与城乡规划(中法合作)专业人才培养方案优化研究”(JYXMXZD201836),宁波大学院级研究生示范课程“空间规划理论与实践”(yjsjx2016JG05);宁波大学2018年课程思政试点教学项目“空间规划理论与实践”(18);宁波市社科规划教育专项项目“‘十三五’时期研究生专业能力提升方法与实践研究”(G18JY-01)
  • 【文献出处】 宁波大学学报(教育科学版) ,Journal of Ningbo University(Educational Science Edition) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年03期
  • 【分类号】TU986-4;G642
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】212

