

Geological environmental characteristics of the Nan′ao longevity village in Fenghua City, Zhejiang Province

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【作者】 韦继康王岩国王保欣徐明忠邱雨欣

【Author】 Wei Jikang;Wang Yanguo;Wang Baoxin;Xu Mingzhong;Qiu Yuxin;Zhejiang Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology;

【机构】 浙江省水文地质工程地质大队

【摘要】 通过区域性土壤样品测试结果的统计分析,研究了浙江奉化南岙长寿村所处区域土壤的地质环境背景;针对性地补充采集了土壤、稻谷、萝卜、大头菜、芋艿、水、人体毛发样品,进行生命有益、有害元素的测试。运用因子分析及对比分析的方法,研究长寿村的地质环境特征。研究结果认为,高含量的生命有益元素及低含量的有害元素组合在岩石—土壤—食物—人体系统中的循环起到了至关重要的作用。

【Abstract】 Based on the statistical analysis of regional soil, this study researched the soil geology environment background of the Nan′ao longevity village in Fenghua City, Zhejiang Province. We collected soil, grain, vegetables and human hair samples to conduct elements and index tests. Factor analysis and comparison analysis were utilized to study the ecological environmental characteristics. The results show that the cyclic action of high levels of life beneficial elements and low levels of harmful elements plays a key role in the phenomenon of longevity in Fenghua.

【基金】 中国地质调查局地质大调查项目(200214200013);宁波市地质环境调查项目(NBZFCG2011146G)
  • 【文献出处】 地质学刊 ,Journal of Geology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年01期
  • 【分类号】X141;R161.7
  • 【下载频次】128

