

Investigation on the Prevalence in Children of Acute Stress Disorder and Its Influencing Factors After a Violent Earthquake in Wenchuan.

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【作者】 许瑞芬张本于振剑王刚王聪哲岳玲梅冯倩

【Author】 Xu Ruifen,Zhang Ben,Yu Zhengjian,et al.Kailuan Mental Health Center Affiliated to North China Medical University,Tangshan 063001,P.R.China

【机构】 中国·华北煤炭医学院附属开滦精神卫生中心(唐山)

【摘要】 目的调查汶川大地震后所致儿童急性应激障碍(ASD)的发生情况及其相关的影响因素。方法应用美国精神科学会DSM-IV分类与诊断标准中的ASD诊断标准,对经历汶川大地震的幸存儿童进行诊断。结果 137名受试者中有11人(8.03%)符合ASD的诊断标准。汶川大地震后儿童ASD发生率较高,女性儿童ASD的发生率高于男性儿童,但在统计学上无显著性差异。有神经质特点的儿童更容易发生ASD。灾区儿童中ASD及其症状的发生情况比较严重。结论应对灾区儿童进行阶段性随访追踪并提供长期的必要的心理援助。

【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the prevalence in children of acute stress disorder after a violent earthquake in Wenchuan.Methods The survival children were investigated to determine whether they were suffering from ASD according to American Psychological Association Design Standard Manual for ASD,and the fourth Revised Edition(DSM-Ⅳ).Results In 137 subjects,11(8.03%) subjects were diagnosed as acute stress disorder.There existed the high prevalence of acute stress disorder and the prevalence of female acute stress disorder were much higher than male although there’s no significant difference in statistics.The children with neurotic characteristics are more prone to ASD.Children in disaster areas suffer more serious ASD and its symptoms.Conclusion Who we should offer phasic follow-up visit and long-term necessary psychological assistance.

  • 【文献出处】 中国健康心理学杂志 ,China Journal of Health Psychology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年07期
  • 【分类号】R749.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】100

