Military Administration System of Herbs Support for Earthquake Disaster Emergency Medical Relief
【摘要】 本文根据地震灾害发生时的特点,提出地震灾害应急医学救援药材保障体制研究的基本原则与要求,阐述药材保障的体制结构,并分析我军和外军灾害救援药材保障体制的运行现状。最后通过对16名卫勤专家进行咨询,并论证得出合理的地震灾害救援药材供应体系分级,以期研究成果为抗震救灾药材保障提供理论支撑。
【Abstract】 Based on the characteristics of the earthquake medical relief,the basic principles and requirements were put forward of the construction of the medical security system study for earthquake disaster relief.Combining with the military administration system of herbs support,the status quo of Chinese and foreign military disaster relief herbs security system were analyzed.Finally,through the consultation of 16 health service experts,we proposed to construct a reasonable medicine supply classification system for earthquake disaster relief,which would be a theoretical reference for relative operations.
【Key words】 earthquake disaster; emergency medical relief; herbs support; research of administration system;
- 【文献出处】 解放军医院管理杂志 ,Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People’s Liberation Army , 编辑部邮箱 ,2014年10期
- 【分类号】R82
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】56