

The Experience and Practice on Prevention and Control of the Socomial Infection in Quake Field Hospital

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【作者】 董迎华王芳英王丽芹樊志杰

【Author】 DONG Ying-hua,WANG Fang-ying,WANG Li-qin,FAN Zhi-jie(The Insitutes of Tuberculosis,The 2nd affilated hospital of PLA general hospital Beijing 100091,China)

【机构】 解放军总医院第二附属医院结核病研究所

【摘要】 根据"5.12"汶川大地震灾区野战医疗所感染的流行特点,结合野战医疗所在预防和控制感染方面的实践经验,提出以下预防与控制感染的具体措施,即:严格区域划分,准备必要物资,制定相关制度,严格操作规程,加强环节控制,严格垃圾管理,强化人员培训,做好质量监控。实践证明,重视人员培训、强化组织管理和制度落实、加强环节监控是预防和控制感染的有效保证。

【Abstract】 Based on the epidemiologic data about infection induced by "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake and the experience of our field hospital have accumulated in the area of infection prevention and control,we make an conclusion that:prevention and control infection is the important promotion of improve the survival rates of patients who injuried in "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake.The most important steps include:area partition;preparation of material;set down the rules;explain the procedure;control the process effectively;supervise the trash;training medical staff and monitor the quality etc.

  • 【文献出处】 解放军护理杂志 ,Nursing Journal of Chinese People’s Liberation Army , 编辑部邮箱 ,2008年16期
  • 【分类号】R19
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】32

