

Experimental study on mechanical property of a composite isolation bearing

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【作者】 李亚明施卫星

【Author】 Li Yaming1,Shi Weixing2(1 Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design & Research Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200041,China; 2 Research Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)

【机构】 上海建筑设计研究院有限公司同济大学结构工程与防灾研究所

【摘要】 建筑隔震技术主要解决的是水平向隔离地震的问题,工业机械设备减振研究成果针对的主要是减小竖向机械振动的问题,而能同时成功实现隔震和减振的实际工程应用也不多。设计了一个由橡胶支座与橡胶滑板支座并联组合而成的组合隔振(震)支座,该支座不仅可以满足地铁运行诱发振动的隔振要求,而且可以满足抗震设防地区的隔震要求。对该组合隔振(震)支座的模型进行了竖向压力试验、水平静刚度试验,并对原型支座进行了相关试验。研究表明:组合隔振(震)支座的试验参数与设计参数吻合良好,能够实现预定目标,是一种理想的组合隔振(震)装置。

【Abstract】 Building isolation system mainly works on the horizontal seismic isolation issue and the industrial machinery isolation system focuses on the vertical mechanical vibration realm.It is rare to see a practical project which successfully achieves the seismic isolation ability as well as the vibration isolation capacity.A composite isolation system made up of rubber bearings and laminated rubber sliding bearings was designed.This composite isolation system obtains not only the vertical vibration isolation capacity but also the horizontal seismic isolation capacity.The vertical compression test and the horizontal static stiffness test,were done on the model bearings and related tests were done on the prototype bearings.It is shown that the parameters of the bearings gained by the tests accord with the designed ones.Thus,this composite isolation system,which can achieve the intended goal,is an ideal composite isolation device.

【基金】 上海市科学技术委员会科研项目(09dz1207800);上海市城乡建设和交通委员会科研项目(重科2010-002)
  • 【文献出处】 建筑结构 ,Building Structure , 编辑部邮箱 ,2013年13期
  • 【分类号】TU352.12
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】202

