
On The Necessity of Translation and Translation Exercises in English Teaching

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【作者】 赵翊羽

【Author】 ZHAO Yi-yu;Chengdu Institute Sichuan International Studies University;

【机构】 四川外国语大学成都学院

【摘要】 Since translation as a teaching method is widely used in English teaching to help students understand and memorize relevant materials of the foreign language, translation exercises are also introduced by teachers to assess students’ ability of the understanding of the two languages. This paper critically examines the necessity of translation and translation exercises in English teaching and points out that proper translation and translations exercises may develop students’ awareness of the differences between Chinese and English and enhance their bilingual capability.

【Abstract】 Since translation as a teaching method is widely used in English teaching to help students understand and memorize relevant materials of the foreign language, translation exercises are also introduced by teachers to assess students’ ability of the understanding of the two languages. This paper critically examines the necessity of translation and translation exercises in English teaching and points out that proper translation and translations exercises may develop students’ awareness of the differences between Chinese and English and enhance their bilingual capability.

  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【下载频次】22

