

The Difficulty and Methods-Choosing of Ideological and Political Guidance towards Non-Party Intellectuals in Colleges under the New Media Perspective

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【作者】 唐景成

【Author】 TANG Jing-cheng;WuZhou College;

【机构】 梧州学院

【摘要】 新媒体的快速发展为高校党外知识分子思想政治引导开拓了崭新领域,但部分高校在运用新媒体开展党外知识分子思想政治引导过程中存在由"谁"引导、拿什么引导、引导"谁"和怎么引导等现实困境,需要构建网络大统战格局,注重社会主义核心价值观引领,关注网络舆情动态,遵循网络引导规律,增强高校党外知识分子思想政治引导的主动性、导向性、针对性和场域性。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of new media has posed great challenge for ideological and political guidance of non-Party intellectuals in colleges and universities, in which are several difficult issues such as "who"will guide"whom"by which means and how to guide etc. Therefore, this paper focuses on the methods of guidance including constructing a network pattern for united front, developing the role of socialist core values, concerning the public sentiment about the hot topic issues in society and following the law of guidance through network. Through those methods, the guidance towards the non-party intellectuals will be more initiative, oriented and targeted.

  • 【文献出处】 黑龙江省社会主义学院学报 ,Journal of Heilongjiang Institute of Socialism , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年01期
  • 【分类号】D613
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】454

