

Research Progress on Monitoring Technology for Atmospheric Particles

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【作者】 蒋锦晓郑昱晴陆香君牛丽丽唐娟吴应珠王娇娇张杭君

【Author】 JIANG Jinxiao;ZHENG Yuqing;LU Xiangjun;NIU Lili;TANG juan;WU Yingzhu;WANG Jiaojiao;ZHANG Hangjun;School of Life and Environmental Sciences,Hangzhou Normal University;Key Laboratory of Hangzhou City for Ecosystem Protection and Restoration,Hangzhou Normal University;

【通讯作者】 张杭君;

【机构】 杭州师范大学生命与环境科学学院杭州师范大学生态系统保护与恢复杭州市重点实验室

【摘要】 由于大气颗粒物的直径大小有差异,因此在监测采集过程中选用合适孔径的滤膜以及采样器对于大气污染监测至关重要.文章对可采集不同孔径尺寸大气颗粒物的常用滤膜和采样器进行了归纳总结,并对不同材料的滤膜和不同功能的采样器进行适用范围分析,以此来阐明在大气细颗粒物监测中采样膜和采样器的研究进展,并对其未来发展方向进行展望.这是了解大气颗粒物监测手段以及测试技术的基础,也便于今后在大气颗粒物监测分析研究中选择合适的滤膜以及采样仪器.

【Abstract】 Due to the different diameter of atmospheric particles in the atmosphere,the selection of aperture filter and the sampler need to be carefully considered..In this review,the pore size of the membrane and sampling devices used in the atmospheric monitoring are summarized.The application of different materials and analysis methods for particulates with different size are presented.Furthermore,the research progress of monitoring technology for atmospheric particulates is expounded,and the related perspectives is highlighted.This is the basis for better understanding the monitoring materials and methods of atmospheric particles,and is also valuable for selecting suitable filter and sampling devices in the monitoring and analysis of atmospheric particulates in the future.

【基金】 杭州市科技发展计划项目(20150533B02);浙江省大学生科技创新活动计划暨新苗人才计划项目(2017R423082);杭州市“131”人才项目
  • 【文献出处】 杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版) ,Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Natural Science Edition) , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年01期
  • 【分类号】X831
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】530

