

Treating Depressive Disorder after Earthquake with Determination of Treatment Based Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs and Psycho-Guidance

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【作者】 张奎

【Author】 Zhang Kui Xinxing School of Chinese Medicine,Guangdong Province,Xinxing,Guangdong,China 527400

【机构】 广东省新兴中药学校

【摘要】 治疗地震后抑郁症,运用中医辨证论治与心理辅导的方法,辨证分为肝气郁结、气郁化火、气滞痰郁、忧郁伤神、心脾两虚、阴虚火旺六型,心理分三期辅导,取得良好效果。

【Abstract】 the article was used the method of determination of treatment based differentiation of symptoms and signs plus psycho-guidance to treat depressive disorder.The type of symptoms were included depression of liver-qi,qi stagnant and phlegmatic stagnation;nerve-racking of melancholy;deficiency of both heart and spleen and asthenic yin causing excessive pyrexia.The psychology was included three stages and got good effect.

  • 【文献出处】 河南中医学院学报 ,Journal of Henan University of Chinese Medicine , 编辑部邮箱 ,2009年01期
  • 【分类号】R277.7
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】103

