

Key Points and Strata of Exploring and Developing Shale Gas in China

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【作者】 路坤桥孙玉学

【Author】 Lu Kunqiao;Sun Yuxue;College of Petroleum Engineering,Northeast Petroleum University;

【机构】 东北石油大学石油工程学院

【摘要】 我国页岩气资源潜力巨大,利用页岩气有利于缓解环境污染,降低我国油气的对外依存度,保证国家能源安全.在设计页岩气井时,埋深、产状和厚度是要点,即井深大于500 m,页岩单层厚度不小于30 m,页岩层倾角不能大于30°,井位离断层不能小于3 km,至少要离开地面出露的岩体面积3倍.地震勘探不仅能获得页岩的埋深、产状和厚度,而且能获得页岩气开发时所需的地层物理力学参数,因此,地震勘探成为页岩气勘探开发时最重要的手段,地震勘探的要点:放炮孔深3~5 m,孔深及炸药量要做试验,排列道间距20 m,炮间距40 m,256道滚动接收,64次覆盖,25炮/km.我国页岩气层位以志留系、二叠系、三叠系、新生代的古近纪地层为主,且海相地层的成藏条件优于海陆交互相、陆相地层的成藏条件.上述要点能为企业在页岩气区块投入勘探开发实物工作量及未来投标国家页岩气区块时参考.

【Abstract】 The shale gas resource in China is huge. Developing shale gas is beneficial to alleviate environment pollution,cat reduce the external dependency of oil and gas,and ensure energy security. Depth,occurrence and thickness are key points when shale gas well designed. That is to say,well depth is more than 500 meters;shale layer thickness is not less than 30 meters;dip angle of shale formation is not more than 30;distance between well and fault is more than 3 kilometers;and area between well and rock mass boundary of the ground is more than that of three times. Seismic exploration can obtain not only depth,occurrence and thickness of shale strata,but also physical and mechanical parameters of shale strata which are needed when shale gas developed. therefore,the seismic is the most important way to explore and develop shale gas. The depth of shot hole is required for 3 to 5 meters,hole depth and explosive quantity are required to test,group interval is about 20 meters,shot interval is about 40 meters,and other key points are 256 rollings,64 times covering,and 25 shots per kilometer. The shale gas reservoir in China is distributed in silurian,permian,triassic and cenozoic. It is obvious that shale gas preservation of marine strata is better than that of Marine-continental strata or continental strata. The conclusions mentioned above are helpful for enterprises to arrange exploration and developing work in the shale gas block and bid the national shale gas block in the future.

【关键词】 页岩气地震勘探层位
【Key words】 shale gasseismic explorationstratum
  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【网络出版时间】2015-03-12 11:29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】156

