

Research and application of cyanide-free desorbent for gold-loaded carbon with low gold but high copper and silver content

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【作者】 裴增文陈德海刘俊林杨少坤梁祖祯

【Author】 Pei Zengwen;Chen Dehai;Liu Junlin;Yang Shaokun;Liang Zuzhen;Yunnan Gold Mining Group Co.,Ltd.;Yunnan Dianjin Investment Co.,Ltd.;

【机构】 云南黄金矿业集团股份有限公司云南滇金投资有限公司

【摘要】 针对高温高压无氰解吸电解工艺处理低金高银铜载金炭过程中需添加NaCN,存在氰化物污染,金、银解吸率偏低等问题,研究开发了一种新型无氰解吸剂C。工业应用表明:在低金高银铜载金炭高温高压无氰解吸电解过程中,采用质量分数2%的NaOH和质量分数0. 10%的新型无氰解吸剂C作为组合添加剂,可杜绝氰化物的污染,提高金、银解吸率,金、银解吸率分别提高到98. 99%和97. 60%,相较单一添加NaOH,分别提高3. 85百分点和6. 13百分点,累计新增经济效益约271. 06万元,经济效益和社会效益显著。

【Abstract】 A new cyanide-free desorbent C was studied and developed because of NaCN addition,the cyanide pollution and poor gold and silver desorption rate in the high temperature and high pressure desorption electrolysis process for dealing with gold-loaded carbon with low gold but high copper and silver content. The results of industrial production application show that during the high temperature and high pressure desorption electrolysis process,the use of a combined additive composed of NaOH with mass fraction 2 % and a new cyanide-free desorption desorbent C with mass fraction 0. 10 % eliminates cyanide pollution and can improve the desorption rate of gold and silver,which can reach 98. 99 % and 97. 60 % respectively. Compared to the addition of a single NaOH desorption electrolysis process,the average index of gold and silver desorption rate has increased by 3. 85 and 6. 13 percentage points respectively.The cumulative new direct economic benefits of 2 710 600 yuan were obtained. It has achieved better economic and social benefits.

  • 【分类号】TF831
  • 【网络出版时间】2019-08-02 16:36
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】40

