Energy saving technology research on the trichlorosilane distillation in polysilicon production
【摘要】 简述了多晶硅行业概况和差压耦合蒸馏节能技术。详述了一种高纯三氯氢硅差压耦合精馏工艺,利用高压塔塔顶蒸汽作为低压塔塔釜再沸器热源,实现了能量的集成与过程优化。运用化工模拟软件PRO/Ⅱ8.1模拟了两塔高纯三氯氢硅差压耦合精馏工艺和三塔高纯三氯氢硅差压耦合精馏工艺的设计参数。结果显示,两塔耦合三氯氢硅一次收率为92.0%,理论节能50.1%;三塔耦合三氯氢硅一次收率为92.0%,理论节能66.7%,效果更好。该技术已成功实现工业化,可使精馏单元实际能耗平均降低40%~60%,同时大幅减少了设备投资。
【Abstract】 Polysilicon industrial profile were introduced together with the technology of distillation thermally coupled with different pressures.Different pressure thermally coupled distillation for high-purity trichlorosilane was developed to achieve heat integration and process optimization.Top stream from high-pressure column was used as a heat source for the reboiler of the low-pressure column.In order to explain the specific operating parameters of two-column different pressure thermally coupled distillation and corresponding columns,modern chemical simulation software PRO/Ⅱ8.1 was used for optimization design.The results showed that,with this technology,the energy consumption was reduced 50.1% in two-column coupled distillation,and 66.7% in three-column one.The recovery rate of trichlorosilane was 92%.The technology has been successfully industrialized,the existing industrial data showed that the average energy saving was about 40%—60%,at the same time,a large-scale reduction was obtained in equipment investment.
【Key words】 polysilicon; high-purity trichlorosilane; different pressure; thermally coupled distillation; energy saving;
- 【文献出处】 化工进展 ,Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress , 编辑部邮箱 ,2011年12期
- 【分类号】TQ127.2
- 【被引频次】21
- 【下载频次】595