The Fault Characteristics Study of Kouquan Village Section of Kouquan Fault
【摘要】 口泉断裂是大同盆地西缘的主控边界断裂,本文采用野外地质调查、布设地震钻孔、浅层人工地震勘探、电阻率CT法勘探和探槽开挖的手段,对该断裂在口泉村段的断裂特征进行了分析。
【Abstract】 Kouquan fault is the main controlling boundary fault of western margin of Datong basin;this paper analyzed the fault characteristics in Kouquan village section from field geological survey,layouting seismic drilling,shallow artificial seismic exploration,resistivity CT method exploration and exploration trench excavation.
- 【文献出处】 华北地震科学 ,North China Earthquake Sciences , 编辑部邮箱 ,2012年01期
- 【分类号】P542.3
- 【被引频次】6
- 【下载频次】112