Experimental study on the seismic behavior of unbounded partailly prestressed concerete frame column
【摘要】 为研究外加轴压比和预加轴压比对试验柱抗震性能以及恢复性能的影响,对5根无粘结部分预应力混凝土框架柱进行拟静力试验研究.研究结果表明:随着外加轴压比的增加,柱的抗震耗能性能增强,开裂荷载基本不变,屈服荷载和极限荷载提高,但延性降低,复位能力降低.随着柱的预加轴压比的增加,其耗能能力下降,开裂荷载基本不变,但屈服荷载有小幅增加,极限荷载降低.预加轴压比对柱子延性的影响较小,在达到极限荷载之前,预加轴压比低的柱复位性能稍好,但达到极限荷载之后,预加轴压比高的柱拥有更强的复位能力.
【Abstract】 In order to study the influence of axial compression ratio and pre-axial compression ratio on the seismic behavior and recovery performance of unbounded partially prestressed concrete frame column, we presented five unbounded partially prestressed concrete frame columns for the pseudo-static tests. The research results indicate that: with the increase of the applied axial compression ratio, the cracking load has no obvious change, and the column seismic capacity yield load and ultimate load is increased, but it has small reset ability. The column which has bigger applied axial compression ratio has high initial stiffness. Enhancing pre-axial compression ratio, the seismic capacity decreased while cracking load does not change, but there is a slight increase in yield load while ultimate load decreases. Pre-axial compression ratio has little effect on the ductility. The larger smaller pre-axial compression ratio of the column has a stronger reset capability before reaching the ultimate load, but after reaching it, the larger pre-axial compression ratio of the column has a stronger reset capability.
【Key words】 unbounded partially concrete fame column; applied axial compression ratio; pre-axial compression ratio seismic capacity;
- 【文献出处】 河北工业大学学报 ,Journal of Hebei University of Technology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年02期
- 【分类号】TU378.3;TU352.11
- 【网络出版时间】2015-04-16 09:41
- 【下载频次】74