

Compatibility and overcoming of distant hybridization of Lilium nepalense and hybridization obstacles

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【作者】 郭朋辉吴景芝王玉英郑冉冉吴红芝

【Author】 GUO Peng-hui;WU Jing-zhi;WANG Yu-ying;ZHENG Ran-ran;WU Hong-zhi;College of Landscape and Horticulture,Yunnan Agricultural University;

【通讯作者】 吴红芝;

【机构】 云南农业大学园林园艺学院

【摘要】 【目的】探究野生紫斑百合远缘杂交亲和性及克服杂交障碍的措施,为野生紫斑百合资源开发利用及具有绿色、清香、抗性等优良性状的百合新品种选育提供理论参考。【方法】以云南地区野生紫斑百合及栽培品系东方百合(7个品种)和OT百合(5个品种)为材料,采用切割花柱(CS)和常规授粉(NP)两种方法进行远缘杂交,分析紫斑百合与东方百合和OT百合的远缘杂交亲和性,通过荧光显微技术观察花粉萌发及花粉管生长动态,并通过染色体法鉴定F1代的倍性。【结果】常规授粉方式下,紫斑百合作母本的12个杂交组合中仅紫斑百合×索邦(NP)、紫斑百合×西诺红(NP)和紫斑百合×布卡迪(NP)3个杂交组合的亲和性相对较好,其他9个组合(NP)均杂交不亲和,存在受精前障碍,但切割花柱授粉方式下,紫斑百合作母本的12个杂交组合均具有不同程度亲和性,其中,紫斑百合×罗宾娜(CS)杂交亲和性最佳,其子房膨大率、有胚率、杂种胚萌发率和亲和指数分别为40.00%、15.12%、43.08%和6.05。以紫斑百合为父本的6个杂交组合在两种授粉方式下的杂交亲和性整体较差,仅切割花柱授粉方式下的罗宾娜×紫斑百合(CS)的子房膨大率和有胚率分别为20.00%和10.71%,其他5个杂交组合的子房假膨大或授粉后不久枯萎衰败。紫斑百合×索邦(CS)授粉后其花粉管到达子房胚珠的时间比紫斑百合×索邦(NP)提前4 d,有利于减少花粉管伸长过程中的营养消耗及杂交障碍的克服。西诺红×紫斑百合(NP)和黄天霸×紫斑百合(NP)2个杂交组合授粉8 h后花粉均在雌蕊柱头上萌发,花粉管沿着花柱向下延伸,黄天霸×紫斑百合(NP)的花粉萌发量较西诺红×紫斑百合(NP)少,但二者均在花柱和胚囊两端出现不同程度的胼胝反应,花粉管扭曲缠绕,阻碍花粉管伸长及伸向胚珠完成受精。紫斑百合×白色眼睛(CS)的杂交后代组培苗染色体数为24条,属二倍体;但紫斑百合×斯特腾(CS)和紫斑百合×维拉布兰斯(CS)的杂交后代组培苗染色体数分别为26和28条,为非整倍体植株。【结论】切割花柱授粉法可较好地克服紫斑百合与东方百合和OT百合远缘杂交受精前杂障碍,提高各杂交组合的子房膨大率、有胚率和杂种胚萌发率,且紫斑百合正反交组合的杂交亲和性差异明显,紫斑百合作母本的杂交组合较其作父本的杂交组合亲和性好,说明其杂交亲和性具有单向性。

【Abstract】 【Objective】The study aimed to explore compatibility and the way to overcome the difficulties from distant hybridization of wild Lilium nepalense to provide a theoretical reference for the development of wild lily resources and the breeding of new lily varieties with good characteristics such as green,fragrance and resistance.【Method】Wild L. nepalense in Yunnan and cultivated lines Oriental hybrids(seven varieties),OT hybrids(five varieties)were used as experimental materials,pollination was carried out by cut-style method(CS)and normal pollination(NP)to analyze the distant hybridization compatibility between L. nepalense and Oriental hybrids,OT hybrids. Pollen germination and pollen tube growth were observed by fluorescence microscopy method,ploidy of F1 hybrid progeny were identified by chromosome method.【Result】Under conventional pollination style,in the 12 combinations of interspecific hybridization which wild L.nepalense was as female parent,only three combinations of L. nepalense×Sorbonne(NP),L. nepalense×Viviana(NP)and L. nepalense×Bacardi(NP)had relatively good cross compatibility,but the other nine combinations(NP)with L. nepalense as female parent were all incompatible and had pre-fertilization obstacles. The 12 combinations by cutting style pollination all had compatibility with different levels. Among them,hybridization between L. nepalense and Robina was the best one,the ovary enlargement rate,embryo rate,germination rate and compatibility index of hybrid embryos were 40.00%,15.12%,43.08% and 6.05,respectively. The compatibility of six crossing combinations of L. nepalense as the male parent was poor under two pollination methods. Among the crossing combinations,only the ovary of crossing combination between Robina×L. nepalense(CS)by cutting style pollination developed,and the rate of ovary swelling and the rate of embryo developing were 20.00% and 10.71% respectively,but the ovaries of other five crossing combinations were pseudo-enlarged or withered shortly after pollination. When hybridization between L. nepalense as female parent and Sorbonne was used cutting style(CS)for pollination,the time of the pollen tube reached the ovule of the ovary which was 4 d earlier than normal pollination(NP). So cutting style method could reduce the nutrient consumption during the elongation of the pollen tube,which was beneficial to overcome the hybridization obstacle.Two combinations of distant hybridization Viviana×L. nepalense(NP)and Manissa×L. nepalense(NP)were carried out,the pollens of L. nepalense germinated on the stigma after 8 h of pollination,pollen germination of Manissa×L. nepalense(NP)was less than Viviana×L. nepalense(NP). But there were some abnormal phenomena such as winding and transverse growth during the pollen tube extending toward the style,and strong callus reaction happened in pollen tube and ovule bead hole,which hindered the growth of the pollen tube and reaching to the ovule for fertilization by fluorescence microscopic observation. The results from chromosome observation showed that hybrid between L. nepalense×White eyes(CS)was diploid with 24 chromosomes;while hybrids between L. nepalense×Stentor(CS),L. nepalense×Villa Balance(CS)were aneuploid with 26 and 28 chromosomes respectively.【Conclusion】Style-cutting pollination can overcome the pre-fertilization obstacles from distant hybridization between wild L. nepalense and Oriental hybrids,OT hybrids,and improve the ovary enlargement rate,embryonic rate and germination rate of each hybrid combination. There are great differences of compatibility in reciprocal crossing combinations when L. nepalense was used for parents. The combination with L. nepalense as female parent has better compatibility than that with L. nepalense as male parent. The results show that the hybridization compatibility is unidirectional.

【基金】 云南省重点研发计划项目(2018BB010);江苏省双创人才计划项目(苏人才办〔2016〕11-231);云南省高水平大学创新人才培养基地—园艺学创新创业训练计划项目(云教高〔2015〕57)
  • 【文献出处】 南方农业学报 ,Journal of Southern Agriculture , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年09期
  • 【分类号】S682.29
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】390

