

35 Treatment Experience of Traditional Chinese Medicine on 35 Cases in Yushu Earthquake Injured

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【作者】 谢兴文李盛华张彦军

【Author】 XIE Xing-wen,LI Sheng-hua,ZHANG Yan-junGansu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou Gansu China 730050

【机构】 甘肃省中医院

【摘要】 目的:探讨中医药在地震伤员救治中的作用。方法:对甘肃省中医院接收的35名青海玉树地震伤员采用中医药物治疗、中医功能锻炼、中医心理干预等综合疗法进行治疗。结果:35名地震伤员全部治愈出院,未出现心理障碍及创伤性应激障碍。结论:中医药综合治疗在地震伤员救治中可发挥巨大作用。

【Abstract】 Objective:To discuss the action of traditional Chinese medicine in treating Yushu earthquake injured.Methods:35 cases who injured in Yushu earthquake were comprehensive treated with Chinese herbs,physic exercise and Chinese medical psychological intervention in Gansu province.Results:The 35 injured patients were cured after the combined treatment of Chinese medicine,without appearing of psychological disorders and traumatic stress disorders.Conclusion:The combined treatment of Chinese medicine played a significant role in treating the wounded in the earthquake.

【关键词】 地震中医药救治玉树
【Key words】 earthquaketraditional Chinese medicinetreatmentYushu
  • 【文献出处】 甘肃中医 ,Gansu Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年12期
  • 【分类号】R278
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】86

