

Strategy and process of safety evaluation for emergency rescue in quake-striken areas

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【作者】 王东明闻明步兵荣建玲

【Author】 Wang Dongming1)Wen Ming2)Bu Bing1)Rong Jianling3)1)National Earthquake Response Support Service(NERSS),Beijing 100049,China2)Institute of Crustal Dynamics,CEA,Beijing 100085,China3)Emergency Rescue Bureau,CEA,Beijing 100036,China

【机构】 中国地震应急搜救中心中国地震局地壳应力研究所中国地震局震灾应急救援司

【摘要】 地震灾害紧急救援是一项危险性极高的工作,从倒塌废墟中快速、有效营救幸存者是专业救援队的使命,确保救援队伍自身安全是国际救援界普遍倡导和认可的救援理念,如何确保队伍行动安全是衡量救援队伍自身能力和水平的重要指标,救援现场安全评估就是这一切的前提条件。因此,本文将较为系统地介绍和分析地震救援中的安全问题,重点介绍救援中最重要的倒塌建筑和危险物质评估,主要是讨论评估的基本策略及步骤。

【Abstract】 Emergency rescue in earthquake-striken areas is extremely dangerous work.The tasks of professional rescue teams focus on rapidly and effectively rescuing survivors from debris of collapsed buildings.Ensuring the safety of the rescue team itself has been generally advocated by the international rescue service community.The measures taken for ensuring the safety of rescue teams are important indicators of their ability in rescue and relief work,while safety evaluation of the disaster areas is prerequisite for fulfilling all of the tasks.Therefore,this paper presents a systematic analysis of the safety issue in earthquake relief,with focus on evaluation of collapsed buildings and hazardous materials.The basic strategy and process of the evaluation are also discussed.

【关键词】 地震救援安全评估
【Key words】 earthquakerescuesafetyevaluation
【基金】 地震学联合基金(106142);地震行业科研专项项目(200808050)
  • 【文献出处】 国际地震动态 ,Recent Developments in World Seismology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2010年07期
  • 【分类号】P315.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】216

