

Planning Compilation and Management System of Non-intensive Development Area: Changchun Case

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【作者】 李妍任皓雯

【Author】 Li Yan;Ren Haowen;

【机构】 长春市城乡规划设计研究院上海研发中心

【摘要】 近年来,生态文明建设不断推进,国土空间规划的编制成为新时代的重要任务之一,规划的核心内容之一就是以"三区三线"为载体,整合协调各部门空间管控手段,绘制形成全域覆盖的一张蓝图。在此背景下,"非集中建设区"这一命题越来越受到业界人士的关注。文章尝试在梳理非集中建设区相关研究的基础上,明晰其规划管控要求和所面临的问题,并以《长春市空间规划(2016—2035年)》为例,探索非集中建设区规划编制和管控体系的构建,建立与之相关的传导体系,并提出相关政策建议。

【Abstract】 National land use and space planning has become an important mission in the new era, and its core is "three areas and three lines" that coordinates spatial governance across departments and finalizes a full-coverage blueprint. Non-intensive development area has become a new focus area in this context. With Changchun Spatial Planning(2016-2035) as an example, the paper reviews relevant studies on non-intensive development area, analyzes its requirements and problems, studies the plan compilation and governance of non-intensive development area, establishes a transmission system, and offers policy recommendations.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】242

