

Building the flat roof that the serial port communication of the Singlechip

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【作者】 黎珠博罗玉芬张宏艳

【Author】 Li Zhubo1 Luo Yufen1 Zhang Hongyan2(1 The province earthquake bureau of Guangdong,Guangzhou City,Guangdong 510070;2 The earthquake bureau of Peking City,Peking City 100080)

【机构】 广东省地震局北京市地震局 广东广州市510070广东广州市510070北京市100080

【摘要】 文章介绍了串口通信的基本概念、基本原理、RS-232C标准、地震数据采集器与MCS-51单片机的通信连接,同时介绍了串口通信在地震数据传输中的实际应用。

【Abstract】 Serial port communication is widely used in the singlechip systems.It is the channels of the data and the instruction.In this paper,it is introduced the basic theory that the serial port communication,the mode of the connection,the popular reality method between the computer and the singlechip.It’s also simply introduced practicality used of the serial port in the earthquake single transmission.

【关键词】 串口通信地震数据传输
【Key words】 Serial portCommunicationBuildingRS-232C
  • 【文献出处】 防灾科技学院学报 ,Journal of Institute of Disaster-Prevention Science and Technology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2006年04期
  • 【分类号】TP368.11
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】468

