Seismotectonic and Seismic Activity of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
【摘要】 根据地震地热说原理和中国西部的大地构造资料,讨论了青藏高原的地震构造活动模式及地震活动特征,认为兴都库什地震柱和缅甸地震柱是控制青藏高原构造运动和地震活动的主因,青藏高原深达70km的巨厚地壳是内陆地区壳内强震频发的有利构造条件,利用35km以下青藏高原的下地壳地震和周边地区的壳下地震活动动态,参考历史震例,可以为研究区内的壳内强震活动与火山活动提供可能的活动强度、活动地点及大致活动时段等前兆性指标,并取得了初步成效。利用地震柱概念对青藏高原地震构造活动模式的解释似乎更加贴近青藏高原的地震活动特征,可以更加合理地解释壳内强震或者火山发生的成因,也可以预测未来几年内地震柱及其影响区的活动趋势。
【Abstract】 Based on hypothesis of seismo-geothermics and geotectonic data in Western China,we discuss the seismotectonic activity pattern and seismic activity features of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and pointed out that the Hingdu Kush and Myanmar seismic cylinders are the main reason of controlling the tectonic movement and seismic activity of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and the thick crust with 70 km in Tibetan Plateau is the favorable structural condition to induce within-crust strong earthquakes occurred frequently in inland regions. Then referring to historical earthquake case,we use activity dynamic of earthquake occurred in the lower crust with below 35 km in Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas. It could provide precursory indicators of possible activity intensity,activity locations and generally activity periods etc. for the within-crust strong earthquake activities and volcano activities in study area,and achieved primary effect. The seismotectonic activity pattern of Tibetan Plateau explained by the seismic cylinder theory seems closer to the seismic activity characteristics of Tibetan plateau. It not only can be more reasonable to explain the cause of within-crust earthquake or volcano occurrence,but also can predict activity trend of the cylinders and its influence area in the next few years.
【Key words】 hypothesis of seismo-geothermics; seismic cylinder; seismotectonic pattern; earthquake prediction; Qinghai-Tibet Plateau;
- 【文献出处】 地震研究 ,Journal of Seismological Research , 编辑部邮箱 ,2013年01期
- 【分类号】P315.2
- 【被引频次】5
- 【下载频次】181