Sensitivity Analysis of the Parameters of Response Displacement Method
【摘要】 针对反应位移法计算参数多样性的特点,在设定一个基本工况的基础上,分别对反应位移法中的弹簧系数、地层位移、地层剪力、惯性力4种计算参数以及2种常用的计算模型进行了灵敏度分析,归纳了各个参数的取值方法及误差来源,并对比分析了2种计算模型的计算结果。结果表明,地层剪应力的取值对结构内力的计算结果影响最大,其次为地层变形,弹簧系数的影响最小;在计算模型的选取上,采用结构顶部加弹簧的模型计算的结构内力整体上要比顶部不加弹簧的模型计算的结构内力大,忽略上部土体约束作用,后者的计算结果偏于危险。
【Abstract】 As the complicated calculation parameters of the response displacement method,based on the basic case,a sensitivity analysis of four calculation parameters(coefficient of the spring,ground deformation,ground shear force,inertia force)were conducted,and the methods for obtaining the parameters and the error sources of the methods were summarized.Then,two calculation models were analysed.The conclusions show that the ground shear force has the greatest influence on the internal forces of the structure,and then is the ground deformation,the inertia force,and the coefficient of the spring.In the selection of the calculation model,there are two models,one is with spring at the top of the structure,the other is not.The internal forces of the former are greater than that of the latter.Ignoring the upper soil constraint effect leads to the calculation results being unsafe.
【Key words】 underground structures; seismic design; response displacement method; calculation parameters; sensitivity analysis;
- 【文献出处】 防灾减灾工程学报 ,Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering , 编辑部邮箱 ,2015年02期
- 【分类号】TU352.1
- 【被引频次】2
- 【下载频次】102