

Discovery and significance of granite type lithium industrial orebody in Jiajika orefield, Sichuan Province

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【作者】 刘善宝杨岳清王登红代鸿章马圣钞刘丽君王成辉

【Author】 LIU Shanbao;YANG Yueqing;WANG Denghong;DAI Hongzhang;MA Shengchao;LIU Lijun;WANG Chenghui;MNR Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Assessment,Institute of Mineral Resource,CAGS;School of Earth Science and Resources,China University of Geoscience (Beijing);

【通讯作者】 代鸿章;

【机构】 自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所中国地质大学(北京)地球科学与资源学院

【摘要】 以往都认为四川甲基卡是"伟晶岩型锂辉石矿床",经过2018年的钻探验证,尤其是对甲基卡矿田东南部鸭柯柯矿区ZK801钻孔的详细研究,发现鸭柯柯矿区的锂矿物不只有锂辉石,还有磷锂铝石;矿体不局限在伟晶岩中,也出现在细粒花岗岩中,更常见的是以锂辉石、磷锂铝石和其他造岩矿物(长石、石英、云母等)共同组成近等粒状的或不规则状但总体上矿物粒度达不到伟晶结构,与标准的伟晶岩明显不同。因此,鸭柯柯矿区的工业矿体主要属于花岗岩型而非伟晶岩型;矿体在成因上以交代为主,充填为次;矿石类型以细晶状为主,伟晶状少见;矿石矿物以锂辉石为主,常见磷锂铝石,偶见锂云母;矿化分带不明显,局部出现非常复杂的结构带,如"锂辉石伟晶岩+磷锂铝石锂辉石花岗细晶岩"组成的复式脉和"含磷锂铝石锂辉石细晶花岗岩+石英微斜长石伟晶岩+石英细脉"组成的复式脉。这一非传统矿化类型的发现,弥补了硬岩型锂矿以"伟晶岩型锂辉石"为主导的单打一局面,拓宽了找矿思路,同时也为伟晶岩型矿脉深部寻找大规模的层状稀有金属矿体"地下室"提供了实例。

【Abstract】 The Jiajika superlarge Li-polymetal deposits located in western Sichuan province was previously regarded as a pegmatite spodumene deposit.After drilling verification in 2018, especially the detailed study of drill core from the ZK801 drilling in the Yakoko mining area, southeast Jiajika, it is found that the lithium mineral in the Yakoko mining area is not only spodumene, but also amblygonite; ores are not limited to pegmatite, but also appear in fine granite; more common are spodumene, amblygonite and other rock-forming minerals(feldspar, quartz, mica etc.). It is obviously different from the standard pegmatite in the crystalline rocks, which together form near equal grain size or irregular shape, but generally the mineral particle size is not up to the degree of pegmatite. Therefore, the industrial orebodies in Yakoko mining area mainly belong to granite type rather than pegmatite type, the ore body is mainly metasomatic and filling, the ore type is mainly fine crystal, and the pegmatite is rare. The ore mineral is mainly spodumene, and the mineralized zone is not obvious, and there are very complex structural zones in the part, and the ore mineral is mainly composed of spodumene, such as the complex vein composed of "spodumene pegmatite+amblygonite spodumite granite" and "amblygonite-bearing spodumite granite+quartz microplagioclase pegmatite+quartz vein". The discovery of this non-traditional mineralization type makes up for the single-play situation of "pegmatite spodumene" in hard-rock lithium deposits, and widens the thinking of ore prospecting. At the same time, it also provides an example for finding the basement of large-scale layered rare metal orebody in the deep part of pegmatite vein.

【基金】 国家重点研发计划(编号2017YFC0602700;2017YFC0602701);中国地质调查项目(编号DD20160055;DD20160056;DD20160346;DD20190379);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费项目(编号JYYWF20183701;JYYWF20183704)联合资助成果
  • 【文献出处】 地质学报 ,Acta Geologica Sinica , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年06期
  • 【分类号】P618.6;P618.71
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】294

