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【作者】 沙海军吕悦军唐荣余彭艳菊

【Author】 SHA Hai-jun Lv Yue-jun TANG Rong-yu PENG Yan-ju(Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration, Beijing 100085, China)

【机构】 中国地震局地壳应力研究所中国地震局地壳应力研究所 北京100085北京100085

【摘要】 利用西南地区多年来积累的地震安全性评价工作成果,借助地理信息系统MapInfo强大的空间信息表达能力,使在MapInfo平台上构建西南地区区域地震构造图数据库成为可能。文中使用空间数据库与属性数据库分开设计的方法,采用多个层次、多种基本类型、多表关联的数据库格式,在MapInfo平台上构建了西南地区区域地震构造图数据库。

【Abstract】 The assessment of regional seismotectonic environment is very important for seismic safety evaluation of engineering sites, and it is essential to compile a regional seismotectonic map for the region where engineering site is. For reusing the work products of seismic safety evaluations in past years and lessening repetitive hard work, it is a valuable work to build a database of regional seismotectonic map for regions where a number of seismic safety evaluation of engineering sites have been accomplished.In the past few years, we have accomplished many projects of seismic safety evaluation of engineering sites in southwest China. Combining with the work of other groups, it is possible to build the database of regional seismotectonic map in southwest China.As a useful desktop mapping software and GIS, MapInfo provides a powerful solution for mapping geographic information. It is selected as the platform to build our database. In database design of GIS, the spatial information and attribute information are usually separated considering the large quantity of data, efficiency and convenience in analysis and query of spatial information. Separate design of spatial database and attribute database is also convenient for extension and share of database. For meeting the requirement of seismic safety evaluation code, the regional seismotectonic map must include: 1) age, type and kinetic characteristic of faults in Qh; 2) active fault segment; 3) range and sediment thickness of active basin in Qh; 4) characteristic of modern tectonic stress field; 5) the epicenter distribution of earthquakes M≥43/4. This decides that the database of regional seismotectonic map is composed of multiple layers, multiple basic types and multiple relational tables.The database of regional seismotectonic map of southwest China on MapInfo platform is built by using the separate design of spatial database and attribute database with the structure of multiple layers, multiple data types and multiple relational tables; and basic function of the database and output method of regional seismotectonic map is showed in the end.

【基金】 中国地震局震害防御司合同制课题“西南地区地震构造数据库建设预研究”资助。
  • 【文献出处】 地震地质 ,Seismology and Geology , 编辑部邮箱 ,2006年01期
  • 【分类号】P315.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】127

