

Geochemical feature of mercury across Sanhe-Pinggu active fault

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【作者】 王传远杜建国周晓成

【Author】 WANG Chuan-yuan,DU Jian-guo,ZHOU Xiao-cheng (Center for Analysis and Prediction, CSB, Beijing 100036, China)

【机构】 中国地震局分析预报中心中国地震局分析预报中心 北京 100036北京 100036北京 100036

【摘要】 应用QM201G便携式测汞仪在河北省潘各庄进行野外现场勘测,研究了三河 平谷活断层汞地球化学特征,确定了该区段断层的具体位置。测区土壤中气态汞浓度为0.001~0.246ng/L,背景值为0.015ng/L。在断裂破碎带的土壤中气态汞含量高出背景值十多倍。地震断裂带由多个单条断裂组成,断层走向为N45~60°E。

【Abstract】 The geochemical feature of mercy in soil-gas across the Sanhe-Pinggu active fault that was formed by strong earthquake (M8.0) in 1679 in Hebei Province, North China was discussed. Concentrations of mercury in soil gas were measured with QM201G Mercury Meter in the field. Mercury concentrations are in a wider range of 0.001~0.246 ng/L, with background value of 0.015ng/L. The zone of mercury anomalies occurs along the fracture zone and mercury density becomes as higher as 10 times compared with background value. The anomaly zones of mercury in soil gas indicate that there are two buried faults with strike of 45~60°NE, which is consistent with the reported results of geological and geophysical survey.

【关键词】 土壤气汞地球化学活断层地震
【Key words】 Soil gasMercury geochemistryActive faultEarthquake
【基金】 国家重大基金项目(12099040)
  • 【分类号】P315
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】143

