

Study on Aseismic Behavior of Small Concrete Hollow Block Walls with Different Constructional Measures

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【作者】 李建军商晓杰

【Author】 LI Jian-jun1,SHANG Xiao-jie2(College of Architecture Engineering,Northeast Dianli University,Jilin 132012)

【机构】 东北电力大学建筑工程学院白城市基本建设预决算中心 吉林吉林132012吉林白城137000

【摘要】 通过对125组不同构造措施小型混凝土空心砌块墙的抗侧力试验数据的研究,分析了具有不同构造措施和不同结构类型的混凝土砌块墙片在双向荷载作用下,抗侧移刚度与开裂变形、极限变形的关系。得到了不同构造措施对混凝土砌体结构抗侧力性能的影响程度,分清了这些构造措施的优劣,为小型混凝土空心砌块的研究和推广提供了理论依据。

【Abstract】 Based on the analysis study of comparison between testing dates of 125 group small concrete hollow blocks with different constructional measures,the relations between drift stiffness and the crack deformation as well as the ultimate deformation for single piece of walls with different constructional measures and different structural types under horizontal and vertical loading have been found out.The effects of these constructional measures(for example with core columns and constructional columns) on lateral resistance and deformation behavior for all kinds of block walls have been analyzed,so that the theoretical basis are provided in order to ensure the favorable application and a high potential for speeding the development of buildings with small concrete hollow blocks.

  • 【文献出处】 东北电力大学学报 ,Journal of Northeast Dianli University , 编辑部邮箱 ,2006年06期
  • 【分类号】TU522.34
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】118

