

Study on Ecological Environment Control and Comprehensive Utilization of Abandoned Mines in Zhenhai District, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province

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【作者】 胡荣荣陈炳王保欣

【Author】 HU Rongrong;CHEN Bin;WANG Baoxin;Zhejiang Engineering Investigation Institute;

【机构】 浙江省工程勘察院

【摘要】 以宁波市镇海区废弃矿山治理和矿地利用一期工程可行性研究为例,通过实地调查,分析了镇海区废弃矿山的类型、特征和存在问题。对规划治理的21处废弃矿山生态环境治理方式和矿地综合利用方向进行了研究,提出了削坡、固坡、喷播、种植绿化等多种常用矿山治理技术方法,组合应用的生态环境治理方式和土地利用型、生态修复型、景观开发型和资源利用型矿地开发利用思路。通过可行性研究对治理可产生的经济效益进行了预测,为宁波地区废弃矿山生态修复和矿地综合利用提供了借鉴。

【Abstract】 Open-pit mine can provide a large number of building materials for city’s development, but also form many abandoned ores because of emphasis on development rather than planning in the past. This paper takes the feasibility study of the abandoned mine management and ore utilization in Zhenhai District, Ningbo as an example. Based on the field surveys, analysis of the types, characteristics and problems about abandoned mines, this paper studies the ecological en-vironment management and comprehensive utilization of 21 abandoned mines, including slope cutting, slope stabilization, spraying and planting methods,and puts forward to four types of management model: land utilization type, ecological restoration type, landscape reconstruction type and resource utilization type. Through feasibility study, the economic benefits have been predicted, which can provide some useful reference to the abandoned mines’ ecological control in Ningbo.

【基金】 宁波市镇海区废弃矿山矿地利用一期工程可行性研究项目(编号:NBITC-20171176G)
  • 【分类号】X171.4
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】135

