

Input Servitization of Manufacturing Industry and Carbon Emission Intensity——Empirical Analysis Based on WIOD’s Cross-country Panel

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【作者】 黄玉霞谢建国

【Author】 HUANG Yuxia;XIE Jianguo;Nanjing University;

【机构】 南京大学经济学院

【摘要】 本文利用WIOD的世界投入产出表和环境账户数据,测算了制造业完全碳排放强度,并分析了投入服务化对制造业完全碳排放强度的影响。研究结果显示,投入服务化可以降低制造业完全碳排放强度,但其对完全碳排放强度的作用要小于其对直接碳排放强度的作用。机制检验发现,投入服务化可通过提高制造业生产效率、替代能源要素和优化制造业结构等途径降低完全碳排放强度。分组检验发现,投入服务化对降低污染密集型制造业碳排放强度的效果大于非污染密集型制造业。从生产性服务类型来看,金融、租赁和商务服务化对降低制造业碳排放强度的作用最大,其次是邮电服务化等。分地区来看,投入服务化对降低中国制造业碳排放强度的作用明显大于发达经济体。本文结论说明,提高制造业投入服务化水平是协调各国制造业发展和资源环境约束的可行路径。

【Abstract】 Using WIOD’s world input-output tables and environmental account data, the paper calculates the complete carbon emission intensity of manufacturing and analyzes the impact of manufacturing’s input servitization on its carbon emission intensity. The results show that input servitization can reduce the complete carbon intensity of manufacturing. However, its effect on complete carbon intensity is smaller than that on direct carbon intensity. The mechanism test shows that input servitization reduces the complete carbon emission intensity by improving the production efficiency, substituting energy inputs and optimizing the structure of manufacturing industry. Group test finds that the effect of input servitization on reducing carbon emission intensity is greater for the pollution-intensive manufacturing sector than the non-pollution-intensive manufacturing sector. By the type of producer service, financial leasing and commercial servitization play the most important role in reducing the carbon emission intensity of manufacturing, followed by post and telecommunications servitization. By region, servitization plays a more important role in reducing the carbon intensity in China than in developed economies. These conclusions show that improving the input servitization level of manufacturing industry is a feasible way to coordinate the development of manufacturing industry and the constraints of resources and environment for all countries.

【基金】 国家自然科学基金项目“强制性生育政策、低生育陷阱与中国经济的长期增长:微观机理与实证检验”(71473118);国家社会科学基金重大研究专项“推动‘一带一路’贸易和投资自由化便利化研究:量化评价与推进战略”(18VDL014);教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“长江三角洲全面建设小康社会中的开放发展研究”(16JJD790025)
  • 【文献出处】 财贸经济 ,Finance & Trade Economics , 编辑部邮箱 ,2019年08期
  • 【分类号】F414;X322
  • 【网络出版时间】2019-08-07 10:19
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1611

